September 19, 2024
Education News Canada

Pedestrian Safety Improvements New style of school zone signs installed at three locations

November 28, 2022

The City of Regina is installing special school zone signs to provide higher visibility in three busy school zones as part of a pilot project. The initial locations were selected for the pilot project based on several factors, including where drivers frequently exceed the speed limit.

  • 3rd Avenue (Kitchener School)
  • College Avenue (Arcola School)
  • Chuka Boulevard (Wascana Plains School)

The City is always looking at new and innovative ways to improve pedestrian safety. These enhanced school zone signs have solar-powered LED flashing lights to bring drivers' attention to the school zone and the presence of pedestrians, particularly more vulnerable school-age children. The lights will come on during school zone hours of 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

City crews are expected to finish installing the signs by the end of November, weather permitting.

After the pilot program, speed studies and on-site observations will be used to evaluate and assess performance of the signs. The pilot is expected to wrap up in 2024.

For more information

City of Regina
2476 Victoria Ave
Regina, Saskatchewan
Canada S4P 3C8

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