March 3, 2025
Education News Canada

Public Accounts Committee Following Up on Memorial University Facilities Management Audit Report

January 24, 2025

The Standing Committee on Public Accounts advises that it will be following up on the Auditor General's findings and recommendations contained in the recent performance audit report Memorial University Facilities Management.

The Committee met with the Auditor General this week to discuss the findings and recommendations in the report, which contains concerns regarding policy weaknesses, poor space management practices, questionable deferred maintenance procedures, lack of oversight, and mismanagement of funding specially designated to address current and future maintenance needs.

The Public Accounts Committee will be contacting Memorial University in the near future to request an action plan for implementation of the Auditor General's recommendations, and to advise that officials may be requested to appear at a future public hearing on these important matters.


"The Public Accounts Committee shares the concerns of the Auditor General and is committed to ensuring appropriate oversight and accountability on behalf of the people of Newfoundland and Labrador respecting Memorial's responsibility to guarantee the effective use of public money. We commend the Auditor General and her team for their work on this audit, and we look forward to the co-operation of Memorial University in conducting our follow-up on these matters."

Pleaman Forsey, MHA
Chair of Public Accounts Committee

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Public Accounts Committee - Work and Proceedings

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Government of Newfoundland and Labrador
Prince Phillip Drive
St. John's Newfoundland
Canada A1B 4J6

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