May 15, 2024
Education News Canada

John Abbott College awarded by Colleges & Institutes Canada (CICan)

September 13, 2023

CICan's ImpAct-Climate Challenge recently celebrated its inaugural success, recognizing 24 climate champions for their innovative contributions to reducing greenhouse gas emissions on college and institute campuses across Canada.

Among the winners, John Abbott College stood out in the Official-Language Minority Category, securing both gold and silver awards for group submissions for the Climate Literacy Project and Climate Action Plan. The college's achievement is a testament to its commitment to environmental stewardship, and it proudly embraces the recognition as a stepping stone toward its ongoing mission of promoting forward-thinking climate action and the protection of our planet.

As a recipient of these awards, the college affirms its role as a leader in championing environmental initiatives within the official-language minority community. The College aims to inspire individuals, groups, and institutions alike to contribute to the ongoing battle against climate change and nurture a sustainable future. Looking ahead, John Abbott College eagerly anticipates its continued participation in the ImpAct-Climate Challenge, with unwavering enthusiasm to drive positive change in the years to come.

For more information

Cégep John Abbott
21275, rue Lakeshore
Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue Quebec
Canada H9X 3L9

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