September 19, 2024
Education News Canada

$25,000 for Projects Realizations in the 4 Campuses of the Cégep de la Gaspésie et des Îles

October 25, 2019

Following a call for projects launched in the spring by the Fondation Cornélius-Brotherton, members of the staff have once again innovated in quality, variety and vitality concerning the forwarded projects. Some twenty-seven of them were proposed in three fields of the financial support program :

  • Innovation in program of studies
  • Student's life dynamisation in the four campuses
  • Student's mobility, international cooperation and in work training

Submitted propositions were diversified. Without surprise, and given the remoteness of the campuses, a good proportion of requests for financial support aimed to make it easier for students to visit different places, attend a conference or join in work training facilities. Other initiatives were of a variety of targets including: Open air facilities, improvisation, aquaculture, experimentation with vegetable gardening, volleyball, and soccer.

The analysis committee made its recommendations to the Board and the Foundation recently announced that it will support financially 25 projects for a total amount of $25 000.

Read the full press release

For more information

Fondation du Cégep de la Gaspésie et des Îles
96, Jacques-Cartier
Gaspé Québec
Canada G4X 2S8

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1 Press releases