March 6, 2025
Education News Canada

Call for poster proposals for the colloquium Durable, la recherche collégiale?

January 20, 2023

On Monday, May 8, 2023, the Association pour la recherche au collégial (ARC) will be holding a colloquium as part of the 90th Acfas Convention for which it hopes to receive poster proposals on college research findings, regardless of the topic, no later than Friday, February 3, 2023. The poster exhibition session will be multidisciplinary. The title and theme of the colloquium the first of two that ARC will hold in 2023 as part of the convention is Durable, la recherche collégiale? [Is college research sustainable?]

During this session, ARC intends to highlight the results of projects that reflect the vitality of college research, both basic and applied, in the fields of natural sciences and engineering, social sciences and humanities, arts and literature, health, and even intersectoral research. ARC is therefore inviting the college research community, including students, to submit proposals. True to form, ARC will provide exposure for the posters displayed during the May 8 multidisciplinary poster session by integrating them on its website and registering them in the open archive of the Centre de documentation collégiale. Few people know about college research you say? ARC is taking advantage of every opportunity to make sure college research findings reach a larger audience.

In its call for proposals, ARC provides information and useful references on how to write excellent proposals. Those whose proposals have been accepted by an Evaluation Committee will also have access to guidelines for producing their presentations. All posters and visual aids must be in French, and Anglophone researchers from institutions that have made a contribution to ARC can contact the association to obtain help with the translation of their poster proposals and, if need be, their posters. During its colloquium, ARC strives to rally all vital forces and to offer a space and a time for deliberation, in a spirit of true collegiality. "ARC's new strategic plan focuses on expanding the outreach of college research to increase its visibility and recognition. I therefore personally invite community members to submit a poster proposal. Together, we will be able to showcase the scope of this research and occupy a larger social space, as we have already been called upon to do by Camille Limoges, one of the founders of college research," said ARC president Renaud Bellemare. Every effort has been made to ensure this colloquium is an exceptional showcase for college research, an unparalleled opportunity for exchanging ideas and a chance to extend the network's reach.

The second colloquium at the Acfas Convention will take place the following day, on Tuesday May 9. A call for proposals, specifically aimed at college students in the fields of natural sciences, mathematics and engineering is underway. Who knows? Some may even choose to attend both ARC colloquia during the 90th Convention and submit two original proposals!

For more information

Association pour la recherche au collégial (ARC)
255, rue Ontario Est, bureau A-7.67
Montréal Québec
Canada H2X 1X6

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