September 27, 2024
Education News Canada

Annual graduate survey demonstrates consistently successful outcomes for graduate employment, salaries and retention

June 4, 2024

The overwhelming majority of recent Assiniboine College graduates are living and working in Manitoba, according to the college's annual graduate follow-up surveys. One of the college's annual surveys polls the most recent graduates (2022-23 graduates) about nine months after graduation.

The results show that 94 per cent have jobs within nine months of graduation, with 89 per cent working in a career related to their field of study.

Assiniboine graduates also largely stay in Manitoba 95 per cent of recent graduates have remained in the province. With 83 per cent of these graduates originating in the province, that's a net population gain for Manitoba as a result of students studying at Assiniboine. Over the last five years, an average of 93 per cent of graduates remained living in the province nine months after graduation. 

"This survey is an important measure of accountability for the college. We're proud to see that the results embody our mission to transform lives and strengthen Manitoba," said Mark Frison, President at Assiniboine. "The success of our graduates speaks to the quality of our programs and our responsiveness to labour needs. Each of the individuals represented in these numbers has taken a step to better their life, and at the same time is supporting our province by working in in demand careers."

Graduates surveyed nine months after graduation are making an average salary of $56,128.

A second annual survey polls graduates about four years after their graduation (2019-20 graduates).

The survey of 2019-20 graduates shows that four years after graduation, 98 per cent are employed, with 86 per cent working in a job related to their college program.

Of those who graduated in 2019-20, 88 per cent are still living in Manitoba. The five-year average of graduates staying in the province four years after graduating is 88 per cent.

The average income of Assiniboine graduates surveyed four years after graduation is $62,409, a 38 per cent increase from when these graduates were first surveyed shortly after graduation in 2021.

"Our learn by doing philosophy, dedicated faculty, industry connection and work-integrated learning opportunities all contribute to how we prepare graduates to land careers in Manitoba soon after graduation," said Danielle Adriaansen, Vice President of Enrolment at Assiniboine. "Our graduate outcome survey is an important tool for us to measure our impact and mission as a college. These consistent annual results show that Assiniboine graduates start out strong and continue to progress in their careers over time."

Nine out of 10 graduates would recommend Assiniboine to a friend or family member.

The survey was conducted in March and April 2024 by Insightrix Research.

Graduate Follow-up Survey

For more information

Assiniboine College
1430 Victoria Avenue East
Brandon Manitoba
Canada R7A 2A9

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