March 26, 2025
Education News Canada

KPU introduces self-serve braille printer for university and community use

February 6, 2025

Self-serve braille printing is now available at Kwantlen Polytechnic University's (KPU) Surrey library.

Kelsey Chaban standing next to KPU's new braille printer.

The new braille embosser is one of the first in Western Canada to be open to the public for fully self-serve use. Braille embossers print braille characters onto paper for tactile reading by readers with a visual disability.

"We're thrilled to introduce this new service at the library," says Todd Mundle, University Librarian at KPU. "The new embosser is a step forward in advancing universal access and equity in printing at KPU and within its wider communities."

KPU sociology student Michael McClellan has been a lifelong braille user, and says the new embosser will help ensure he has improved access to the same materials as his classmates.

"I need to have class materials such as slideshows in braille or otherwise I have no idea where we're at in class," he says.

Use of the embosser is complimentary for KPU instructors printing documents to support their students. A 25-cents-per-page fee applies to other users.

The braille printer may be used to print personal documents or materials that are within the Canadian Copyright Act's Fair Dealing guidelines.

"Unless they have an embosser at home, braille users typically don't have an opportunity to print out materials on their own," says Kelsey Chaban, a Liaison Librarian at KPU. "We're hoping that it won't just be students, but also community members outside of KPU who will benefit from this service."

First-time users are encouraged to book an orientation appointment with the library to familiarize themselves with the technology. Appointments for subsequent use are also available for further assistance and troubleshooting.

For more information and to book an appointment, visit KPU Library's braille printing page

For more information

Kwantlen Polytechnic University
12666 72nd Ave
Surrey British Columbia
Canada V3W 2M8

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