September 20, 2024
Education News Canada

Norweld donates $90,000 in welding supplies to Northern Lights College

June 13, 2024

Although it was their last week of class, Darcy Suchy's welding students took a break to say thank you for a generous donation. Wayde Hollingshead from Norweld Industries donated approximately $90,000 worth of welding rod and welding wire to NLC.

A longtime friend of Darcy, Wayde felt donating to the welding program was a way he could help advance the education of the students.

"It's awesome!" said Darcy.

Desmond Gunter, tool crib attendant on the Dawson Creek campus, is usually the one to order materials for the classes. He knows what an impact this will have on the welding programs.

 "This type of donation allows the department to use the money they would be spending on supplies and instead use it to buy equipment that we wouldn't be able to afford in the budget. This actually allows us to grow the programs."

We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to Wayde and the entire team at Norweld Industries for their generosity.

For more information

Northern Lights College
11401-8th Street
Dawson Creek British Columbia
Canada V1G 4G2

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