September 27, 2024
Education News Canada

Collaborating to care for caribou habitat

May 24, 2024

Olivier Jumeau's research not only bridges wildfire and wildlife, but links Indigenous knowledge and Western science.

Jumeau, a first year Master of Science in Environment Science student, is working alongside esteemed fire ecologist Dr. Jill Harvey to look at how long it takes caribou habitat to regenerate after a wildfire, specifically in Ulkatcho First Nation territory.

"We're looking at these historic fires within the context of caribou habitat and this has been done before elsewhere but it's not really been done in British Columbia that much and it's hasn't been done at all in Ulkatcho territory," said Jumeau.

In fact, the research question came directly from the Ulkatcho First Nation. Jumeau's work will inform future management decisions regarding caribou habitat.

"During my undergrad degree, I had a lot of experience learning about how to integrate Indigenous knowledge into Western science and now that I have the opportunity to do my master's degree, it was one of the biggest things that I wanted to incorporate into my project," said Jumeau.

"We're working really closely with the Ulkatcho First Nation and we're going to be sharing the results with them to help inform their management decisions regarding the caribou. So this is a co-led program."

Watch the full video. Learn more about the Institute for Wildfire Science, Adaptation and Resiliency.

For more information

Thompson Rivers University
805 TRU Way
Kamloops British Columbia
Canada V2C 0C8

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