Using a combination of cutting-edge tools from biology and computer science, a Faculty of Science led research project will explore ways to improve treatment outcomes for the extracranial childhood cancer neuroblastoma.
"In the neuroblastoma tumour, we know there are populations of cancer stem cells, immature cells that drive the aggressiveness and therapy resistance, and our lab focuses on the biology of those cells especially cell cycle regulation," says biomedical science's Dorota Lubanska.
Celebrating a project to improve treatment of a childhood cancer are UWindsor researchers Dorota Lubanska and Alioune Ngom with ChildCan officials Suzanne Elliott, Sarah Dimitropoulos, and Lorraine Jewell.
"With this project we will be addressing different aspects of therapy resistance by collaborating with computer science."
Biomedical science researchers will grow novel 3D organoid models, or tumours, in a dish, with live-cell imaging. The study will focus on understanding cell cycle regulation in cancer stem cells, specifically how proteins like Spy1 influence the behaviour of these cells within the tumour.
"We can manipulate those tumours easily; we can introduce genetic changes to study cell cycle and trace progression of tumour in a dish over time," says Dr. Lubanska.
"Cell cycle uses dynamic signalling, and intricate mechanisms are lost when you have to take the tumour out and section it. Using the organoid model, we can in real time look at changes over the time of the tumour progression without disrupting any signalling networks."
She says they will apply diverse types of treatment to this 3D organoid model to see how certain cells in the microtissue respond to current therapies and their combinations.
"This is a complex approach; we'll deal with a lot of imaging and a huge output of imaging data which requires someone with expertise to create bioinformatics tools to quantify those changes."
With the copious amounts of data collected, computer science researchers led by professor Alioune Ngom will implement bioinformatics and deep learning methods to rapidly create cell cycle characterization models to aid prediction of tumour behaviour and predict response to treatment.
"The collected 3D data will be analyzed to assess whether regions of the organoid are exhibiting difference in cell cycle activity in the presence or absence of Spy1 and under therapy pressure in developing microtissues," says Dr. Ngom, project lead researcher.
"This interdisciplinary approach, to access novel bioinformatics tools, will also have a broader impact in fundamental health science by contributing to better understanding of tumour biology and to strengthening of current expertise in our community and will lead to direct outcomes for patients with neuroblastoma."
Biomedical science alum Antonio Roye-Azar, who also has a computer science degree, will liaise between the two disciplines. The findings are expected to address critical gaps in current tumour models and provide new strategies for more effective neuroblastoma treatment.
The project was awarded a 2024 WE-Spark Igniting Discovery grant funded by ChildCan, an agency designed to support families affected by childhood cancer.
Suzanne Elliott, ChildCan's executive director, says it funds research because without research, there is no hope.
"Started in 1974, ChildCan provides financial, emotional and social support to those families who have just heard the horrible words, your child has cancer'," she says. "This project is an excellent fit for our community because so many children are diagnosed with brain tumours, which are a complex diagnosis to treat."
Lubanska says this seed money is deeply appreciated.
"This community support inspires us and gives us lots of motivation because it shows community trust in advancing fundamental local cancer research."