Northern College's Applied Research, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation (AREI) Hub has partnered with the External Relations department to make 3D ornaments for the Northern College Student Association to raise funds to create growing numbers of bursaries for supporting students.
"We wanted to try something different this year to further engage students and create not only additional bursaries, but holiday cheer, as well," stated Nicole Gingras, External Relations Officer for the College. "The Applied Research, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation (AREI) Hub generously donated their time and resources to create these beautiful ornaments and all three Student Associations purchased 100 ornaments each."
"This first annual ornament project allowed Northern to create three new 500-dollar bursaries for Northern College Students," added Gingras.
Northern's recent Scholarship, Bursaries and Awards event issued over half a million - $562,000 last week in awards to 508 students across all four of its campuses this semester.
"What a wonderful way to celebrate the accomplishments of our students - over 500 recipients earned these accolades and the financial compensation that comes with them," stated Susan Hunter, Northern College's Chief Cultural Officer, who oversees the Foundation. "Financial support is just one of the many ways that we work to contribute to student success, because we know that being a student who is supported for one's hard work and commitment to their studies makes a difference."
Northern College accomplishes this level of giving thanks to support from residents, alumni and corporate partners who generously offer awards and bursaries to help support and encourage students on their educational journey.
Regional Telecommunications provider CochraneTel a new $5,000 bursary this year to reward women pursuing the kind of education that could land them a job in the field of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. The recipient, Anu Paul Naduvath, of Northern's Kirkland Lake campus exemplifies the qualities the donor was seeking.
"Education is an important part of career development, especially for Women in STEM students in pursuit of jobs in traditionally under-represented industries that utilize Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics," stated Christine Mario, Chief Operating Officer of CochraneTel. Women continue to have fewer opportunities to study and work in STEM jobs, and we want to inspire and support women towards gender equality in STEM fields."
It is through the generous support of partners like CochraneTel that students can not only celebrate their academic accomplishments but allows them to devote further time and focus to their studies without financial barriers adding to the complexity of their lives as students.
"They say it takes a village to raise a student, and we are so fortunate to have such a closely connected and supportive village that gathers together to support our future leaders," stated Nicole Gingras, External Relations Officer at Northern. "Community partners like CochraneTel and our many other donors are essential to our success, supported by our own efforts to develop fundraising ideas to further support our students as they study."
Northern College is proud to support its students with the financial strains associated with undertaking post-secondary studies and is thankful to those who help make that possible. The College is always looking for new ways to support its students and is proud of the creativity and generosity the region displays during SBA season.