March 10, 2025
Education News Canada

Langley Board of Education and District Respond to Proposed Changes by Township of Langley Council

March 3, 2025

The Langley Board of Education and District are responding to proposed changes considered by the Township of Langley Council, which will impact the Langley School District. The Board and District are sharing this information with members of the community it serves, including students, staff, families,  Aboriginal Advisory Council, and partner groups, to keep everyone informed on matters related to the education system.

Six motions were brought forward and passed at the Township of Langley Council Regular Meeting on Monday, February 24, 2025. The motions can be viewed (on pages 17-22) in the agenda on the website here.

The Township of Langley is proposing changes to the existing programs, processes, and agreements that it shares with the Board of Education and Langley School District. These potential changes include matters related to the building and placement of schools, and the use, operations, and maintenance of outdoor spaces, fields, and playgrounds owned by the Township of Langley and the Langley School District.

The Board of Education continues to work with its partners, the Township of Langley and the Ministry of Infrastructure/Ministry of Education and Child Care on affairs related to land acquisition and property management. When it comes to land acquisitions, land dispositions, and building of schools, the Board of Education and Ministry partners make decisions based on a co-governance model, with final approval by the Province.

As a fast-growing district, the Board welcomes conversations and ideas from the Township of Langley that aim to prioritize and support the needs of the students, staff, and families that we serve now and in the future. In alignment with its Strategic Plan, the Board, together with District staff, will work collaboratively with partners, and ensure children and youth, especially priority learners, are at the centre of all operational decision-making.

The Board values and appreciates its ongoing relationship with the Township of Langley and looks forward to collaborating and having meaningful discussions.

Candy Ashdown, Chair,
Langley Board of Education

Mal Gill
Superintendent of Schools

The following is additional information provided by the Board of Education and District in response to the six motions passed by the Township of Langley Council at its Regular Meeting on Monday, February 24, 2025. The text in quotations and italics are excerpts from the Council Regular Meeting agenda. The text immediately following are the responses from the Board of Education and District.

"A Real Plan for Willoughby Elementary" (pg. 17 of agenda)


Due to its significant age regardless of interim upgrades, an obsolete location and roadside placement at the intersection of two arterial roads, subpar ingress and egress, ongoing safety concerns, and onsite amenities not comparable to other Willoughby schools, the Township of Langley has previously and informally communicated with the Board of Education Chair and School District Management staff on multiple occasions that Willoughby Elementary should be replaced, not just minimally updated entrenching it further in its current, subpar location; and "

"Therefore be it resolved that Council endorses the replacement of the existing Willoughby Elementary School with a new, replacement elementary school, and that staff be directed to communicate the following proposal to the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Infrastructure, and School District 35 for their consideration: "

The Board of Education continues to review and have discussions about improving all school sites across the District with its partners. The Board continues to work with the Ministry of Infrastructure/ Ministry of Education and Child Care, and the Township of Langley, on capital projects such as land acquisition, building and expanding schools. When it comes to land acquisitions, land dispositions, and building of schools, the Board of Education and Ministry partners make decisions based on a co-governance model, with final approval by the Province.

The Board acknowledges that beginning in 2023, District staff consulted with Ministry partners and Township of Langley staff regarding the feasibility of a potential alternative location for Willoughby Elementary. District staff shared the process and the information needed from the Township of Langley to determine the feasibility of the project. With the opportunity of a modular expansion offered by the Province, the District followed up with the Township of Langley on the status of information regarding the potential relocation of Willoughby Elementary. With no plan received from the Township of Langley, the District submitted a request to the Province for a modular expansion at Willoughby Elementary to eliminate portables.

The Board assures students, staff, and families of Willoughby Elementary that there will be no changes to the school's location in the immediate future. It is important to note, the District has a Disposal of Real Property procedure, which requires public consultation when property is disposed of.

The Board acknowledges that there are many older schools in the District and assures the public that they are all safe. With the resources available, the Board, through District staff, works diligently to maintain, improve, and enhance facilities and grounds. The Board recognizes schools as a community hub that provides a healthy, safe, and caring environment for students, staff, and families.

"Urban Schools for 200 Street and Within Willowbrook" (pg. 19 of agenda)

"Therefore be it resolved that Council directs staff to present to Council on potential urban schools to be considered as part of the Willoughby and Willowbrook Community Plan updates, and to confirm with School District 35 its willingness, or lack thereof, to consider urban schools within the 200 Street Corridor and Willowbrook Community Plan area given the economics of development and Provincial housing mandates."

The Board continues to work with the Ministry of Infrastructure/Ministry of Education and Child Care and the Township of Langley on capital projects such as land acquisition, building and expanding schools. When it comes to land acquisitions, land dispositions, and building of schools, the Board of Education, and Ministry partners make decisions based on a co-governance model, with final approval by the Province. The Board is continuing to be open to discussions with partners about the concept of urban schools. The Board acknowledges that District staff have consulted with Ministry partners and the Township of Langley staff regarding the subject of urban schools.

"Playground Partnerships with Parent Advisory Councils" (pg. 19 of agenda)

"Be it resolved that Council directs staff to report to Council with a review of the merits, or lack thereof, of establishing a new annual grant program for Parent Advisory Councils with matching funds to apply to the Township of Langley for school playground renovation, expansion and/or replacement that also provides an overall, additional community benefit."

The Board welcomes grants from any external partners and related third parties available to Parent Advisory Councils with terms and conditions that are in accordance with the District's policies and procedures. Parent Advisory Councils have received, and continue to receive, grants from external organizations, including the Township of Langley.

"Field Development and Maintenance for Students and Families" (pg. 19-20 of agenda)

"Be it resolved that Council direct staff to propose and attempt to negotiate with School District 35, as may be possible, land lease agreements (or other options) with mutual SD35 such that the Township of Langley would assume the potential re-development and improvement, bookings, and ongoing maintenance of school playing fields and existing or additional athletic amenities, for the benefit of the community, students and families, for:.."

The Board continues to review and have discussions about improving outdoor spaces and fields with its partners including its parent community. When it comes to land acquisitions, land dispositions, and building of schools, the Board of Education and Ministry partners make decisions based on a co-governance model, with final approval by the Province. It is important to note, the District has a Disposal of Real Property procedure, which requires public consultation when property is disposed of. In accordance with the procedure, a property lease of ten years or more to an organization, follows the Disposal of Real Property procedure.

In the winter of 2024-2025, District senior staff and the Board Chair met with all school Parent Advisory Councils to hear about their needs regarding outdoor spaces and fields. District staff have been transparent in providing information and receptive to gathering feedback. The potential installation of a synthetic turf field at D.W. Poppy Secondary, is one example of a project which has been discussed by the District with school staff and Township of Langley staff in 2018. The District has been waiting since 2018 for information from the Township of Langley to help support any potential plans to install a synthetic turf field at D.W. Poppy Secondary.

"Township of Langley and School District 35 Mutual Land Adjustments" (pg. 20 of agenda)

"Be it resolved that Council direct staff to propose and attempt to negotiate with School District 35, as may be possible, to adjust shared property lot lines at school park locations to mutual benefit, and the benefit of students and families, for the purposes of potential school expansion, additional school spaces or parking requirements, properly defined playing field maintenance responsibilities and additional amenities or enhancement by the Township of Langley at: "

The Board continues to review and have discussions with its partners about improving its sites to benefit the students, staff, and families that it serves. As per usual practice, on an ongoing basis the Board acknowledges that District staff, in consultation with the Ministry of Infrastructure/ Ministry of Education and Child Care, have been working with Township of Langley staff on preliminary discussions to adjust shared property lot lines at certain sites around the District.

"Suspension of Joint School Park Sites Land Acquisition" (pg. 21 of agenda)

"Therefore be it resolved that Council endorse the suspension of the Township's current and future joint park-school site land acquisition program, in principle, effective immediately, and directs staff to report to Council with, but not necessary limited to:"

"That School District 35 and the Ministry of Education and/or Ministry of Infrastructure be informed that the Township of Langley owned land adjacent to a future West Latimer Elementary School designated for the purposes of constructing an elementary school is available to School District 35 for its acquisition with the park-school site land acquisition program, hereby suspended, to instead be potentially developed, operated and maintained within a new, updated Council Policy context, if so adopted by Council."

The Board continues to review and have discussions with its partners about improving sites to benefit the students, staff, and families that it serves. The Board acknowledges the school community has benefitted, and continues to benefit, from the joint school park sites land acquisitions that have been established. The Board and the Township of Langley joint school park sites land acquisition has been highlighted at the provincial level as a role model for other communities to follow. The Board is concerned about the impact this change will have on current and planned projects including a potential delay in existing plans to build Southwest Latimer Elementary.

For more information

Langley School District
4875 222nd St
Langley British Columbia
Canada V3A 3Z7

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