February 23, 2025
Education News Canada

Murray Marran Appointed as New Superintendent and CEO of HPSD

March 3, 2023

The High Prairie School Division Board of Trustees is pleased to announce that Murray Marran has been chosen as the successful candidate for the role of Superintendent and CEO, effective September 1, 2023.

Mr. Marran, current Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources with Northland School Division, will be leveraging his knowledge and expertise to work collaboratively with division stakeholders to achieve Board priorities and drive results in the division. As a former HPSD school administrator and member of the division's executive council as Assistant Superintendent of Finance, Mr. Marran's understanding of the organization, the staff, students, and the communities it serves will allow him to assume the role with a broad perspective augmented by years of experience in key leadership roles in other school authorities within Alberta. Mr. Marran has a Bachelor of Education, a Master of Education, and a Master of Business Administration. 

The HPSD Board of Trustees began the search for a new superintendent following the announcement of the current Superintendent and CEO's retirement in the fall of 2022. The Board hired a consultant from the Alberta School Boards Association who worked collaboratively with HPSD Trustees to finalize a list of eligible candidates.

"I am very excited for our students, staff, and communities with regards to the Board's decision to hire Murray Marran as our new Superintendent and CEO," said Board Chair Joy McGregor. "After interviewing a number of candidates, the Board of Trustees felt that Mr. Marran was an excellent choice to ensure that our schools continue to provide a quality public education with a candidate who will work collaboratively to realize our school division's goals and priorities. It is with great pleasure that we welcome Murray Marran to High Prairie School Divison. Thank you to all of the candidates that put their names forward for the position".

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C'est avec beaucoup de plaisir et d'humilité que j'accepte le poste de directeur général de la Division scolaire High Prairie. J'ai hâte de perpétuer et continuer à promouvoir une culture scolaire de leadership exemplaire, d'excellence académique et de partenariat ouvert avec les élèves, les parents et la communauté dans son ensemble. Finalement, je voudrais remercier, avec abondance, Mme Laura Poloz pour ses efforts inlassables et continus à bâtir une culture d'excellence pour tous les élèves de notre division scolaire. J'ai hâte de m'appuyer sur son succès," dit M. Marran.

"It is a humbling experience to have been selected as the new Superintendent of Schools and CEO for High Prairie School Division, and I would like to thank the Board of Trustees for this most amazing opportunity. Looking forward to our shared work, I plan to build upon the legacy of Mrs. Laura Poloz, who had an immeasurable impact in creating a culture of excellence in leadership and academics. Certainly, Laura has provided a strong foundation for the division for years to come. I look forward to continuing her tireless work and articulating the Board of Trustees' vision for High Prairie School Division."

The HPSD Board of Trustees would like to thank current Superintendent and CEO Laura Poloz for her leadership and commitment to the division.

For more information

High Prairie School Division
Box 870
High Prairie Alberta
Canada T0G 1E0

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