March 6, 2025
Education News Canada

Board of Education is considering a name change for the school district as well as for Ucluelet Secondary School and AW Neill Elementary School

November 27, 2019

At a district level, Trustees understand that following amalgamation with SD79 (Ucluelet-Tofino) in 1970 the name "Alberni" has failed to capture the geographic diversity served by the district. Instead, it now seeks to find a district name that better represents our region yet retains a name recognition that will resonate locally, provincially, nationally and internationally. To this end, Trustees propose that SD70 (Alberni) become either SD70 (Pacific Rim) or SD70 (Alberni-Pacific Rim).

At a school level, Ucluelet Secondary School serves students all along the West Coast. Currently, USS is in the early stages of seismic renovations and upgrades that will essentially result in a new secondary school, suggesting the time is right to consider a new school name that reflects its entire catchment area. Trustees propose that Ucluelet Secondary become either Pacific Rim Secondary School or West Coast Secondary School.

Finally, in the Alberni Valley, much discussion has taken place about the values and actions of A. W. Neill and whether or not AW Neill Elementary School should continue to bear this individuals name. Trustees propose that AW Neill Elementary become either Compton Elementary School or Kitsuksis Elementary School.

The names suggested above are in keeping with School District 70 Administrative Procedure 3290 which outlines the criteria and process by which schools are named and/or renamed. Generally, individual's names are avoided, with preference given to street names, geographic features, or regions associated with a catchment area.

The Board of Education will decide in the Spring of 2020 whether or not to make a name change or to retain current district and school names. In the meantime, Trustees want to hear your thoughts on the issue and have created to receive your feedback. Let us know if you support the name change(s), which names you prefer or if you have an alternate name for consideration.

For more information

School District 70 Pacific Rim
4690 Roger St
Port Alberni British Columbia
Canada V9Y 3Z4

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