March 12, 2025
Education News Canada

MindUp for Mental Health at Summit Elementary

February 23, 2023

In our 2022-2027 District Strategic Plan, wellbeing is a value commitment that is central to who we are and we engage in programming that contributes to physical, mental, emotional, and social wellness strategies to help students lead well-balanced lives.

Teacher Tara Angstadt uses MindUp with her grade 1 class from Summit Elementary. MindUp helps children develop the knowledge and tools students need to manage stress, regulate emotions and face challenges with optimism, resilience and compassion. 

MindUp is an evidence-based program that has been shown to increase pro-social action, decrease aggressive behaviours, and improve academic achievement especially in math and language arts.

"I use the MindUp Brain Breaks at transition times- at the start of every day, after recess and again after lunch- to better prepare students for learning," explained Tara Angstadt. "Brain Breaks are short listening and breathing exercises that help to quiet the mind and focus attention. These are important skills that need to be practiced every day and from an early age if we want students to be able to use them in their daily life to manage stress and regulate their emotions."  

Alex Inglis, SD73 Health and Promoting Schools Coordinator, shared that Brain Breaks teach students that their brains are connected to the ways in which they think, feel, and behave and that they have the ability to manage their emotions. She also shared that what makes this work effective is that we practice three times a day, every day.

Tara added, "It started off with me leading the sessions and now it is the helper of the day who leads the Brain Break activities. It's really great when students recognize when they are in need of a Brain Break. They will often share this with me and let me know how they are feeling afterwards. I make a point to share with them when I'm in need of a Brain Break - it's important for students to see that even adults need these breaks."

For more information

School District No. 73 (Kamloops/Thompson)
1383 Ninth Ave
Kamloops British Columbia
Canada V2C 3X7

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