School District No.73 (Kamloops-Thompson) in conjunction with the Ministry of Education and Safer Schools, has developed a specialized Violence Threat Risk Assessment (VTRA) Protocol to address the need for a multi-disciplinary approach to potential threats in schools and communities.

Dan Sutherland, Kamloops Fire and Rescue, Reshie Moss, Lii Michif Otopemisiwak, Lisa Brown, Secwepemc Child and Family Services, Brian Young & Nadine Ryan, Ministry of Children and Family Devlopment, Sydney Leckie, Kamloops RCMP, and Alison Sidow, SD73
Representatives from SD73 and its five partners from the Ministry of Children and Family Development, Lii Michif Otopemisiwak Child and Family Services, Secwepemc Child and Family Services, RCMP Kamloops Detachment and Kamloops Fire and Rescue signed the agreement and declared their continued commitment to participate in specialized VTRA training and the Protocol's implementation in future emergency situations affecting schools and communities.
By signing the protocol, the partners pledge to involve children, youth and their families in planning for services and supports and to recognize that each child and youth has unique strengths and needs that should be considered when developing an appropriate support plan.
"Our work together is a process of learning, listening and understanding one another," said Alison Sidow, Superintendent of Schools. "We are committed to working together to help children and youth become happy, healthy, active, involved, and caring members of the community."
The Protocol's development reflects multi-disciplinary, scientific research which includes insight from medical and mental health professionals, law enforcement and specialists in the field of threat management. The Protocol has been adopted by organizations across the country including mental health institutions, police services, children's aid societies, probation offices and hospitals. The Protocol promotes common language and understanding of the VTRA model, makes use of a broad range of expertise and solidifies the importance of timely collaboration about children or youth who pose a risk of violence towards themselves or others.