September 28, 2024
Education News Canada

Executive Assistant Level II Appointment

March 20, 2018

Coast Mountains School District wishes to announce the appointment of Blanche Olson-Wight to the position of Executive Assistant Level II. Blanche will assume her new role effective April 3, 2018 following the transition from her current position.

Blanche joined the school district in January 2008. She held several part-time support staff roles before assuming the position of Sub Dispatch/Help Desk Clerk within the Human Resources Department. In November 2016, she assumed the role of Accounts Payable/Accounting Clerk in the Finance Department, a position she currently holds.

Her experience includes roles as an Office Administrator and an Insurance Agent prior to her tenure with the school district as well as her background knowledge of the school district in the support staff roles she held over the past ten years. Blanche's background includes completion of Word Processing and Accounting Courses through the Northwest Community College in Terrace.

Blanche's work history with the school district is characterized by hard work, reliability and a professional approach to her work.

We extend our congratulations to Blanche on her appointment and wish her every success as she pursues this exciting career change.

For more information

Coast Mountains School District
3211 Kenney Street
Terrace British Columbia
Canada V8G 3E9

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