January 22, 2025
Education News Canada

Red Deer Public staff learn from others leadership journeys

April 8, 2024

Learning from one another's leadership experiences can be just as valuable as learning from your own experiences. That's what Red Deer Public Schools staff had an opportunity to do at this month's Aspiring Leaders program.

Leadership Spotlight: Lessons from the Trenches' saw a panel of eight Division principals and leaders discuss lessons they have learned in their leadership journeys.

Topics of discussion included: You can't expect a different output when you always have the same input', Never be surprised by how often you're surprised',' Doing what's right isn't always doing what's easy', among others.

"Great leaders listen and learn from leaders in a variety of settings and scenarios. Successful leaders spend time observing leadership and develop their leadership style through their experience of leading and being led," said Corrine Thorsteinson, Associate Superintendent of People Services. "We are fortunate to have our panel of school and Division leaders describe important leadership lessons they've learned in their career and how reflecting on these experiences has made them more impactful in their leadership."

Following the panel discussion, participants had an opportunity for discussion at table groups about key points of each presentation and what resonated with them.

There is one more Aspiring Leaders session scheduled to take place before the end of the school year. The Leadership Symposium, which will touch on a variety of topics, will take place on June 5 at Pines Alternative School.

"These sessions are a perfect opportunity for any Red Deer Public employee who wants to explore whether a formal leadership position is right for them; wants to build or enhance their leadership toolkit; wants to lead where they are at; or wants an opportunity to learn from and engage with other colleagues interested in leadership," said Corrine.

To register, please contact peopleservices@rdpsd.ab.ca.

For more information

Red Deer Public Schools
4747 53 Street
Red Deer Alberta
Canada T4N 2E6

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