March 14, 2025
Education News Canada

AJSH teacher awarded for Teaching Excellence

October 6, 2023

Assumption Jr/Sr High School Teacher Chantal Sakowich is among other incredible educators from across the country receiving a Prime Minister's Award for Teaching Excellence.

Sakowich, who was nominated for the Teaching Excellence in STEM category, was recently named a recipient of the award.

"I'm not sure I'm deserving of this honour, but I'm grateful to the teachers and the leaders who have encouraged me and believed in me throughout my career," Sakowich said.

Sakowich began her teaching career in 2003 after graduating with a combined Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Education degree from the campus Saint-Jean at the University of Alberta.

Prior to taking on the role of Classroom Support Teacher at AJSH in Cold Lake, Sakowich taught math, science, and religious education.

"We are so proud of Madame Sakowich and this latest achievement. For years she has been instrumental in shaping our students and helping them develop a passion for all things STEM-related at Assumption Jr/Sr High School," AJSH Principal Elaine Ernst said. "Her innovative approach to teaching mathematics engages students and helps them see their own potential in a subject area many find difficult. She is one-of-a-kind and we are so very proud to have her in our Crusader Family."

Chantel Axani, Deputy Superintendent for Lakeland Catholic, said "Chantal Sakowich is an exceptional teacher who demonstrates a commitment to the learning and success of each and every student in her classroom and understands that in order for students to learn, they first need to feel safe and secure. Chantal not only works to build relationships, but also provides engaging learning experiences with every student."

She added, "Once a child has Chantal as a teacher, they are forever impacted by the lessons that she leaves with them: resilience, determination, and that they are cared for."

For more information

Lakeland Catholic School Division
4810-46 Street
Bonnyville Alberta
Canada T9N 2R2

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