The Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark Assessment System (F&P BAS) was administered to 2,149 grade 2-6 students from September 19th to November 10th. The information gathered from this assessment has provided school teams with a "snapshot" of students' current reading behaviours so that appropriate instruction and intervention could be implemented.
The data collected indicates that 68% of grade 2-6 students are reading at or above grade level according to Fall targets. There are currently 61 Levelled Literacy Intervention groups operating within the school division providing 11% of grade 2-6 students with targeted reading intervention.
The Winter assessment interval, which is optional for grades 2-6, begins January 9th and on January 16th for all grade 1 students. Since 2014, GSSD has seen an average increase of 12% of students in grades 1-5 reading at or above grade level from fall to spring.
We are encouraged by our initial results and remain confident that we will meet or exceed our target of 80% of grade 1-6 students reading at or above grade level by June 2017.