On November 14, teams from three Sun West schools competed in a Sport Management Case Competition co-sponsored by Saskatchewan Polytechnic and the Moose Jaw Warriors.

Pictured in collage at the top of the page: (Top, left to right) One Davidson team, Kenaston team (bottom, left to right) Loreburn team, other Davidson team.
Hosted at the Saskatchewan Polytechnic Campus in Moose Jaw, the Sport Management Case Competition attracted over 115 high school students from 14 southern Saskatchewan high schools who competed for a chance to win over $23,000 in prizes. This included tuition for one semester of Saskatchewan Polytechnic's Business diploma program at Moose Jaw campus and Moose Jaw Warriors tickets and merchandise.
Working in teams of three-to-four, the students were challenged to develop and present their proposals for a case scenario to increase attendance at Moose Jaw Warrior Games among younger people. Their ideas were evaluated by a distinguished panel of judges from the Moose Jaw Warriors and Saskatchewan Polytechnic.
Teams of four Grade 10-12 students from Davidson, Kenaston and Loreburn Central Schools participated in the competition. Davidson entered two teams and Kenaston and Loreburn each entered one. Students were given approximately two hours to come up with a plan and presentation to solve their case study. Students then had to submit their presentations before lunch. After lunch they heard a short presentation about the Business Program at Saskatchewan Polytechnic including the new Sports Management program.
In the afternoon, students presented their plans to a panel of judges. One of the two Davidson teams were awarded third place and went home with some sweet Saskatchewan Polytechnic Swag!
All in all it was a great experience for all the Sun West students who participated!