December 28, 2024
Education News Canada

DSBN Students' EQAO & OSSLT Results Exceed Provincial Averages

November 8, 2022

Despite the absence of EQAO and OSSLT testing in Ontario schools for the last two years, DSBN students' efforts on the 2021/2022 assessments surpassed the provincial standard in every category.

EQAO testing for Grades 3 and 6 students assesses reading, writing and math. Grade 9 students demonstrate their understanding of math, and the OSSLT (Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test) for Grade 10 students is a literacy assessment.

A notable challenge in the 2021/2022 assessment was that it was the first time students used a digital platform and answered questions based on the newly released math curriculum.

Overview of DSBN Students' Results

Grade 3 students topped the provincial averages by as much as 11%, with reading at 9%, writing at 10%, and math showing the highest results above the province at 11%.

Grade 6 students showed similar success, soaring above the provincial standard by 10% in math, and topping provincial scores with 5% and 6% in reading and writing.

For students in Grade 10, the OSSLT measures whether students are meeting the minimum standard for literacy across all subjects up to the end of Grade 9. Completing the OSSLT successfully is  one of students' requirements to graduate from secondary school. DSBN Grade 10 students surpassed the province by 2%.

"As a Board of Trustees, we always make our decisions based on what's best for students. We have funded Additional Qualification (AQ) courses for educators in many areas including math for many years. Investing in the professional development of DSBN educators has resulted in such positive outcomes for DSBN students. I greatly appreciate and value the excellence of our educators, principals, and education staff," said Sue Barnett, Chair of the Board of Trustees.

"One of our most important jobs as educators is to know each student, and to understand what will engage them with their learning. Although educators rely on a variety of assessments when developing learning strategies for students, the data we receive from EQAO and OSSLT provides educators with additional insight into what their students need. Students exceeding the provincial averages are a direct result of what educators are doing in their classrooms. It's clear that their hard work to individually support each student and the strategies they are using every day are working," said Warren Hoshizaki, Director of Education.

For more information

District School Board of Niagara
191 Carlton Street
St. Catharines Ontario
Canada L2R 7P4

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