March 9, 2025
Education News Canada

HCDSB Launches Bullying Awareness & Prevention Week with Enhanced Online Incident Reporting Tool

November 20, 2023

Ontario has designated the third week of November as Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week to help promote safe schools and a positive learning environment. This year, this takes place from November 19 to 26, 2023 and HCDSB will join school boards around the province in enhancing awareness and understanding about bullying, and the factors that contribute to safe, caring and inclusive schools.

Throughout the week, our staff and students will participate in various activities and events to support safe schools and encourage the fostering of positive school climates. These activities will increase awareness on what constitutes bullying and address the impact it can have on the overall school environment.

Online Incident Reporting Tool

As part of our ongoing commitment to nurturing safe and welcoming schools, we have expanded our Hate or Bias Motivated Incident Reporting Tool to include bullying incidents involving or impacting students, either as victims, witnesses or alleged perpetrators.

Students or their parents/guardians are encouraged to report any incident of bullying to a trusted adult at school (e.g. School Administration, Teacher, Child and Youth Counsellor, Social Worker, Chaplain, etc.).

Students or their guardians may choose to report an incident using the Online Incident Reporting Tool. The online report will be forwarded to the School Administration and the Family of Schools Superintendent.

Learn More About Bullying Awareness and Prevention

  • Read more  about HCDSB's commitment to bullying prevention.

For more information

Halton Catholic District School Board
802 Drury Lane
Burlington Ontario
Canada L7R 2Y2

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