March 6, 2025
Education News Canada

Grade 9 STEAM Program Expanded to Loyola Catholic Secondary School

December 7, 2022

We are thrilled to announce that St. Ignatius of Loyola Catholic Secondary School will be offering the STEAM Pilot Program to Grade 9 students, beginning in the 2023-2024 school year!

STEAM education is an approach to learning that interconnects multiple subject areas: Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics to guide student inquiry, collaboration, and design process and critical thinking. 

Offered in a blended delivery format, STEAM is an innovative and specialized program that prepares learners for the future of work; empowering students to take the lead in their own educational experience, with qualified secondary school educators guiding them through this process.

Modification to STEAM Program Course Requirements

After receiving community feedback, the STEAM Program has been modified to allow the selection of an elective course outside of Art. As the STEAM program is intended to be adaptive and address the needs and aspirations of students, it was decided that students are not required to choose Art as their elective course.  

Students are now only required to select STEAM courses in Science, Technological Design, and Math. This modification allows for greater flexibility and student choice as the program develops.

Apply to the Grade 9 STEAM Program!

Students who are interested in taking a STEAM course next school year are invited to complete their Grade 9 course selections through myBlueprint and select from the following STEAM course codes:

  • TDJ1OS - Tech Design
  • SNC1WS - Science
  • MTH1WS - Math

Course selections for students attending St. Ignatius of Loyola next school year are due by Friday, December 9, 2022. 

Once course selections are completed on myBlueprint, students can fill out the Loyola Grade 9 STEAM Program Application

NOTE: Grade 8 students attending an elementary school outside of St. Ignatius of Loyola's family of schools are asked to reach out to their school's main office to communicate their Grade 9 STEAM course selection, in order for Loyola's course selections to appear as options on myBlueprint.

For more information

Halton Catholic District School Board
802 Drury Lane
Burlington Ontario
Canada L7R 2Y2

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