It was an exciting day for students and staff of Athol-South Marysburgh Public School, the beneficiary of this year's Belleville Chapters' Adopt-a-School program. Thank you to the generous support of the community and the staff at Chapters Belleville, the school was presented with a cheque for $7350.00 for new library books. Chapters employees Kristal Hagan, Jackson Johnston and Catherine O'Brien came to the school to make the presentation, and they came with another surprise--each employee of the store personally selected and purchased a book as a gift to the school. Special thanks went to Jackson Johnston who single-handedly raised $1827.31.
Every student in the school signed a giant thank you card for the store, and as a special thank you to the staff of Chapters Belleville, Nyman Farms donated a bottle of maple syrup for every employee.
Students are excited to start reading all of the new books that will be in the library soon.