September 19, 2024
Education News Canada

École St. Mary High School New Program Delivery Models

June 16, 2023

Prince Albert- The Prince Albert Catholic School Division is thrilled to share exciting updates as we prepare for the upcoming 2023-2024 school year.

We are pleased to announce new programs and program delivery models designed to provide unique and enriching experiences for our students while delivering the high-quality Catholic education our schools are known for while offering the support students need!

New Program Delivery Models
Fall of 2023, we will begin offering three program delivery models, In-Person Learning, Online Asynchronous Learning, and the new Virtually Enhanced (VE), aimed to provide students with flexibility and options catering to their unique needs. We understand that every student has different learning styles and preferences, and we are committed to offering a wide variety of programs that provide the best experience for each.

New Courses
Our new curricular programs are intended to enhance the student experience and broaden their course options. Our Robotics Program offers students the opportunity to explore the exciting world of robotics and computer sciences, while our Forensic Science course provides an engaging experience in criminal investigation. Agriculture and Sustainable Food Systems will also be offered new next year. We are also thrilled to offer dual credit classes that enable our students to simultaneously earn high school and university credit. This is a fantastic opportunity for our students to advance in their university studies while still in high school.

New Options for Performing Arts and Athletics!
Additionally, we are pleased to announce that we will offer two opportunities in our options for students specifically interested in the Performing Arts Program and High-Performance Athletic Special Interest Program. This new program model provides an opportunity to spend concentrated time in an area of high interest (performing or Sports) while attaining high school credits!

French Immersion and English Pathways
There is a wide variety of course and program options for English and French Immersion students too! Furthermore, our French immersion program offers a range of programming opportunities to help our students achieve a Bilingual Certificate at high-school completion. We continuously expand our French immersion offerings and have a long history of demonstrated student success in the French Immersion program.

Online Courses
Students in Grades 9 to 12 who are interested in completing classes online can speak to our Guidance Counselors for registration and course selection support.

Course Selection and Scheduling Information Sessions
Student course selection and scheduling information sessions are being provided for students attending École St Mary High School for fall 2023. If you have any questions, we encourage you to speak with our school-based administration and/ or guidance counsellors to learn more about our new program delivery models and curricular programs.
Our École St. Mary High School administrators and Guidance Counsellors can also answer any questions and help you determine the best option for your child's needs.
Thank you for your continued support of our school. We look forward to providing an exceptional educational experience in the upcoming school year.

For more information

Prince Albert Catholic School Division
118 - 11th St. East
Prince Albert Saskatchewan
Canada S6V 1A1

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