September 19, 2024
Education News Canada

Trustee Maurice Chalifour Honoured with Milestone Service Award

October 14, 2020

The Saskatchewan Catholic School Boards Association will present Maurice Chalifour with the 9-year Service Award. Annually the Saskatchewan Catholic School Boards Association honors trustees of member boards for their years of service.

The SCSBA Service Award is awarded each year to a person or persons for reaching a significant milestone for years of service. Maurice will be presented with a gift of recognition later this year once details and plans can be solidified due to pandemic.

Maurice was elected in 2011 and served consecutive terms since then. The Long Service Award is awarded in recognition of long service as a trustee of a member board of the Saskatchewan Catholic School Board Association. Maurice Chalifour has served 9 years.  During his terms, Maurice has served as a member on the Board of Directors of the Saskatchewan Catholic School Board Association and has served on many school board committees such as the Audit Committee, Discipleship Committee, Staff Appreciation and Recognition Committee.  Maurice is a co-founder of the Charitable Catholic Education Foundation and currently serves as a school board liaison for the Catholic Education Foundation.

Maurice is a proud member of St. Joseph's Parish in Prince Albert. He is a fourth degree Knight of Columbus, former Faithful Navigator and Guard Commander. Former teacher and school administrator and proud parent of two children, Maurice feels that "Education is the future of mankind."  He has a wide range of personal and professional experience and has served the Catholic Education community well.

Board Chair Suzanne Stubbs comments "Maurice Chalifour has been a valuable contributor to the work of the Board of Education for Prince Albert Catholic Schools. Serving in the Catholic community and on many Board committees, Maurice has made a tremendous impact in the Catholic Educational Community."

For more information

Prince Albert Catholic School Division
118 - 11th St. East
Prince Albert Saskatchewan
Canada S6V 1A1

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