September 28, 2024
Education News Canada

SMCDSB welcomes new people into the Catholic school board family

October 28, 2022

The landscape of municipal government has changed in communities throughout our school board as a result of yesterday's (Oct 24) election. Specifically, some of the trustees who serve on our Board have changed. While it's always difficult to say goodbye to familiar faces, it's also exciting to welcome new people into the Catholic school board family. The work that the trustees will undertake over the next four years is an integral part of our operations.

At the last board meeting, we said thank you and celebrated a few of the trustees that won't be serving for another term of office. Director Frances Bagley gratefully acknowledged the long service and contributions of Catherine McDonald (24 years), Carol Corriveau-Truchon (12 years), and Peter Fracassi (4 years). Each of these outgoing trustees will be remembered for their unwavering commitment to education rooted in our Catholic faith.

Joe Zerdin, who served as our Board Chair for the past three years, is also stepping aside and was honoured to receive a keepsake "gavel" from Director Frances Bagley. A gavel is a "symbol of authority, and with it comes the right to act officially in the capacity of leadership." The gavel is to be "used to maintain calm and orderliness," and to "get the attention of the crowd." Chair Zerdin, who has always demonstrated leadership and calm, graciously accepted the meaningful gift. He will be missed by all who had the privilege to work with him.

For more information

Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board
46 Alliance Blvd
Barrie Ontario
Canada L4M 5K3

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