February 23, 2025
Education News Canada

Helping Parents Make Math a Fun Part of the Family's Daily Routine is the Focus of Bedtime Math

November 7, 2016

Helping families to make math a fun part of their daily routine - that's the goal of three Bedtime Math fun family events, which were held the night of October 27 at St. Clair Catholic elementary schools. 

Cassandra and Greg Taylor enjoy a fun math activity with their children using playing cards, while Chris St. Amand, Math Lead for St. Clair Catholic and Steve DeGurse, Principal, Holy Trinity Catholic School, look on.

"We know that parents are a key part of their children's learning, which is important to the success of education in Ontario," says Laura Callaghan, Superintendent of Education. 

"These events align with Ontario's Renewed Math Strategy because they provide parents the opportunity to embrace a positive attitude towards mathematics; and they support the partnership between home and school that is so critical for student success in this subject," says Mrs. Callaghan.

The three events are based on the Bedtime Math series of books, which give parents age-appropriate strategies and fun activities to help boost their children's interest in the subject. 

"These books are a great resource for parents who want to participate in their child's learning in math," says Brenda Corchis, Elementary Curriculum Coordinator & Early Years Lead for St. Clair Catholic.  "The best-selling series is proving to kids and families that math can be something they actually might want to do for fun!"

The Bedtime Math events began with a family dinner, followed by math activities for the whole family.  At the end of the evening, parents left with a free book and some take-away math strategies they can do with their children at home.

"We think it was a fun evening and that it will lead to many more hours of fun math activities, as parents and children explore the books together!" says Mrs. Corchis.

Funding for the three events came from the Ontario government's Parent Reaching Out grant, which supports parent, guardian and caregiver engagement in their children's learning.  Events were hosted at Holy Trinity Catholic School, Sarnia; at Holy Family Catholic School in Wallaceburg for the Holy Family, Christ The King and St. Elizabeth school communities; and at St. Joseph Catholic School in Chatham, for the St. Joseph and St. Agnes school communities.

For more information

St Clair Catholic District School Board
420 Creek St
Wallaceburg Ontario
Canada N8A 4C4

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