The students spearheaded the initiative by promoting the day via posters and school announcements, and even baked all of the cupcakes.

"Animals make me happy, so I wanted to do something to make them happy," said MFPS student, Cassidy.
The sales took place over two days, on February 24 and 25. Each cupcake was sold for $2 and was available to all students and staff in the school. In total the students raised $532 for the animal centre, which will be used to support local animals.
"I wanted to help the OSPCA because when my cats were sick they helped give me advice on what I could do," said MFPS student, Darayn.
Grade 4 teacher, Ms Little wrote to the parents/guardians of her class that "her heart is full for all of the support from our bakers, sellers, and buyers."