"Teachers matter. And how they are treated matters too," is the key message of new radio campaign announced by the Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association. The campaign is set to run on radio stations across Ontario.
The three, 30-second spots are intended to increase public awareness around the changes being proposed by the Ontario Liberal government and Catholic trustees during the current labour negotiations with teachers. Each spot will look at one of three items being negotiated - data collection, how teachers are hired, and cuts to education resources - and show the impact each will have on classrooms and students.
"This new radio campaign is part of our ongoing efforts to keep parents informed about what is at stake in these negotiations," said Ann Hawkins, President of OECTA.
The new public service advertisements are part of OECTA's Teachers Matter campaign, which launched last week with the website, Teachersmatter.ca. The radio campaign will air on approximately 55 radio stations across Ontario.
"In the first three days of our campaign, more than 6,000 people signed up to show their support," Hawkins said. "The aim of the radio campaign is to continue to raise awareness of the issues teachers face and the long term impact those issues will have on the education system."
Parents are encouraged to visit TeachersMatter.ca and raise their hands in support of a fair deal for teachers. Because teachers matter. And how they're treated matters too.
Visit teachersmatter.ca to learn more about the issues.