Last Wednesday, May 2nd, Jean Gleizes, student at Cegep Champlain-St. Lawrence, was chosen as the college student entrepreneur winner at the Defi Ose entreprendre' regional finals. He was chosen as the regional winner for the entrepreneuriat etudiant' category among all participating candidates at the Cegep level for the region of Québec.
His start-up came from a need expressed by sellers who were selling beer in festivals. He is developing a back pack which will help sellers sell more drinks during festivals using a more comfortable tool than holding a box over their heads. Jean wants to improve the distribution of drinks during festivals and ensure a more enjoyable experience for the seller and the consumer as well. His concept has been well received by festival organizers and he working on having a prototype ready for the next festival season.
Through this journey, Jean will be able to benefit from the great platform Defi Ose Entreprendre can offer to promote his start-up. He will take part in the Grand finale which will take place June 13, 2018 at the Palais Montcalm with no other than Charles Lafortune as the host for the event.
Cegep Champlain-St. Lawrence is the only public English Cegep in the region of Québec. The college encourages students to explore their full potential through different activities. Entrepreneurship is encouraged through Kickstart SLC, a business start-up service offered to any St-Lawrence student who wants to start their own business or explore entrepreneurship. Spektrum Média and the Bank RBC are two important partners in this program. Spekctrum Média offers mentorship and access to a network of engaged entrepreneurs and RBC offers financial support.