June 2, 2024
Education News Canada

Teachers Share Experiences With Violence in the Classroom

February 22, 2024

A middle years teacher is sharing her own experience with violence in Saskatchewan schools. While teaching in Saskatoon last year, a first-year teacher named Shelby was attacked by a student in an elevated emotional state while passing through the hallway during recess. Shelby was left with substantial injuries, including a severe concussion, broken nose and multiple bruises. The trauma of this incident made returning to work difficult. Shelby has since moved from Saskatchewan and is teaching in another province.

"I do not blame the student for what happened," says Shelby. "I blame the system and the lack of government support that continues to let students fall through the cracks in the Saskatchewan education system. Violence in schools is an increasing issue and compromises the safety of all staff and students in the building."

"I thank Shelby for coming forward today to share her experience. Her bravery and advocacy are a gift to the teaching profession and the teachers of Saskatchewan," says Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation President Samantha Becotte. "Violent incidents like Shelby experienced are preventable. They are a symptom of underfunding and a clear sign that there is not enough support for students or teachers. Too many students need support that they simply can't access because the provincial budget does not provide the required funding. I encourage parents and caregivers to ask their child how often they need to leave their classroom to allow another student space to calm down."

Sadly, Shelby is far from alone in her traumatic experience. In a survey of Saskatchewan teachers last year, 35 percent of respondents reported that they have experienced violence in their working environment in the last five years. This is up from 29 percent in 2021. Numerous accounts from teachers experiencing violence in their classrooms have been shared with the STF, and many of these have been relayed to government through the bargaining committees. Despite a growing trend of violent incidents, government has argued that current processes to address violence in the classroom are sufficient.

In January, the Saskatchewan School Boards Association proposed a committee, regretfully but predictably outside the bargaining process, to address classroom violence. When the STF declined, as this is an item at the active bargaining table, the SSBA chose to commence this work without teachers. The STF's position is that another committee without any accountability is not the solution. Teachers have seen ineffective committees to address classroom size and complexity and are looking for more concrete solutions to these critical problems. The STF notes that the SSBA has yet to act to address classroom violence, which has been an issue for years, and shares concern that the proposal of this committee was an attempt to sidestep the collective bargaining process.

"Violence is not always physical; it includes threats, aggression and verbal abuse. When any of these incidents happen, all students are impacted. They witness the incidents, must clear the room and often see the aftermath," says Becotte. "This is a dire situation and it is unacceptable for everyone. As a result of government decisions, students are being let down by the education system, and in some cases the health system, because they do not have the resources, tools and supports they need. Safe learning environments and safe working environments should not be too much to ask."

In addition to items addressing classroom size and complexity, teachers have proposed that the collective bargaining agreement include measures to reduce and eliminate violence in classrooms and schools, including the creation of a confidential provincial reporting mechanism. There is an increase in the incidence of violence and/or harassment against staff in schools, but unlike other jurisdictions, Saskatchewan does not have a reporting procedure for teachers. This means incidents often go unreported and inadequately addressed. Education leaders lack the data necessary to meaningfully address violence and harassment in schools. This must change - because all staff and students have the right to safe teaching and learning environments.

BACKGROUNDER - Additional Saskatchewan Teachers' Experiences: Violence in the Classroom

For more information

Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation
2317 Arlington Ave
Saskatoon Saskatchewan
Canada S7J 2H8

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