March 12, 2025
Education News Canada

Education a Key Issue for Elections This Fall

September 13, 2024

On September 12, the Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation officially launched an election platform and new ad campaign calling on voters and candidates to keep public education top of mind in the provincial and school board trustee elections this fall.

The new election platform - Check All the Boxes: Supporting Students, Teachers and Our Future in the 2024 Elections - highlights what Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation members are looking for from candidates and offers solutions for elected leaders to address these concerns. This document calls on candidates in the upcoming elections to make three key commitments to students, families and teachers in publicly funded schools: restore and maintain per-student funding, address class size and complexity, and address the growing concerns of classroom violence. The STF's new ad, entitled Ballot Box, reminds us that the decisions we make at the ballot box directly impact students' learning and experiences in the classroom.

Per-student funding in Saskatchewan has fallen from first place to among the lowest in Canada. Nearly a decade of inadequate funding has led to school division budget cuts and a lack of access to support services that students rely on to help them learn, thrive and be safe.

"Education is a key issue for elections this fall, and we want everyone to know just how much their vote impacts Saskatchewan's students," says STF President Samantha Becotte. "The STF is a non-partisan organization, and we will not endorse any particular party or candidate. What we will do is encourage people to take part in our democratic processes, have their voices heard, and make informed decisions on the issues that affect the students and classrooms of this province. We invite everyone to share the STF's new Ballot Box ad with their social media networks, read our platform, and choose the candidate who you feel will help address the issues in our public education system."

In the 2020 school board elections, 59 percent of trustee positions were acclaimed, meaning only one person stepped forward and no election was held. With the nomination deadline of October 9 fast approaching, the STF is encouraging anyone interested in a school board position to reach out to the Saskatchewan School Boards Association, their local school division, and visit the STF website for more information. Local school boards are a significant part of the education sector, and these important positions need to have robust elections.

"As I have been saying throughout my time as STF President, Saskatchewan's public education system is in crisis," Becotte says. "These elections are an opportunity for Saskatchewan to demand better from our elected leaders on behalf of the students and schools who desperately need our system to improve."

The Ballot Box ad can be found on YouTubeFacebookX (Twitter) and Instagram. The Check All the Boxes platform document can be found on the STF website. All members of the public are invited to visit Tell Them Tuesday for more information and to join the movement for better schools.

For more information

Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation
2317 Arlington Ave
Saskatoon Saskatchewan
Canada S7J 2H8

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