October 5, 2024
Education News Canada

St. Clair Catholic Releases EQAO Results for 2022-2023

October 17, 2023

The Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) has released the school, board and provincial results for the 2022-2023 Grade 3 and 6 assessments for reading, writing and mathematics, Grade 9 math and the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test.

"St. Clair Catholic students have made significant gains in our EQAO assessments," says Scott Johnson, Director of Education. "These upward trends show that our pedagogies are sound and that our staff is committed to helping our students achieve their very best."

The most significant gain at the elementary level was the Grade 6 math result, which was eight percentage points above the previous assessment. Grade 3 math also showed a substantial increase of five percentage points. At the secondary level, students scored seven percentage points higher on the OSSLT, achieving a success rate of 88 percent, which is three points above the provincial average. The Grade 9 math rate was slightly above the previous assessment, with a gain of one percentage point.

St. Clair Catholic students advanced in seven out of the eight provincial assessment categories. "These significant gains are a direct result of the Board's strategic priorities and the Board and school improvement plans that are developed annually, following each EQAO assessment," says Mr. Johnson. "As always, we will review the data in detail, as we begin to develop our student achievement plans for the future."

  • Grade 3 results for St. Clair Catholic students:
    • Reading: 72% (+2%)
    • Writing: 63% (+2%)
    • Math: 59% (+5%)
  • Grade 6 results for St. Clair Catholic students:
    • Reading: 85% (-1%)
    • Writing: 85% (+3%)
    • Math: 47% (+8%)
  • Grade 9 Mathematics results:
    • Students achieving at grade level 3 and above: 47% (+1%)
  • Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) result:
    • St. Clair Catholic student success rate: 88% (+7%)

For more information

St. Clair Catholic District School Board
420 Creek St
Wallaceburg Ontario

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