September 19, 2024
Education News Canada

New report shows progress on de-streaming in Ontario hampered by lack of time and resources

November 15, 2023

Results from People for Education's 2022-23 Annual Ontario School Survey - based on responses from 1,044 principals from across all of Ontario's 72 school boards - reveal that only 20% of Ontario high school principals say they have enough support to implement de-streaming for their Grade 9 students.  

Among the findings: 

  • 81% of secondary schools reported offering teacher training/professional development on de-streaming, down from 89% in 2021-22. 
  • Only 34% of secondary schools reported having lower class sizes to support de-streaming, compared to 40% in 2021-22. 
  • 53% of principals disagreed or strongly disagreed with the statement "My school staff and I have received sufficient support from the Ministry and my school board to implement de-streaming" - an increase from 42% last year.  
  • 96% of secondary principals reported they needed an increase in learning supports, such as educational assistants and special education supports. 

Findings from the survey also highlight the impact that neighbourhood income has on the availability of some de-streaming supports. Secondary schools in neighbourhoods with higher median family incomes were more likely to have de-streaming supports such as smaller class sizes, teacher professional development, and opportunities for students to speak one-on-one with guidance counsellors. On the other hand, schools in lower-income neighbourhoods were more likely to provide tutoring programs and de-streaming resources for parents/guardians. 

Change in proportion of secondary schools offering supports for de-streamed Grade 9 courses

The report also points to other challenges threatening the effective implementation of de-streaming such as delays in access to new curriculum and elementary school students not being fully prepared for de-streamed Grade 9 courses.  

"Delays in staff getting access to curriculum materials to design courses has been challenging. Limited time for staff to develop materials, and limited resources have been challenging for some departments."   

- Secondary school principal, Southwestern Ontario 

De-streaming has demonstrated the potential to unlock improved equitable outcomes for historically marginalized students, but it cannot happen without the adequate policy, planning, and funding to support its long-term success. People for Education has important recommendations to ensure the effectiveness of de-streaming in the province.  

- JoyGold Goodluck, OSTA-AECO's Curriculum & School Community Advocacy Chair 



For more information

People for Education
641 Bloor Street West
Toronto Ontario
Canada M6G 1L1

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