March 9, 2025
Education News Canada

CONSUP respond to Nova Scotia Government's Infrastructure, Research and Healthcare Investments at Rural Universities

March 31, 2022

The Council of Nova Scotia University Presidents (CONSUP) appreciates the Government of Nova Scotia's historic investments to improve infrastructure, foster research, improve the student experience and enhance healthcare and training in the province's rural universities.

Prof. William (Bill) Lahey, Chair, CONSUP and President and Vice-Chancellor, University of King's College said that "Today's substantial investment demonstrates that the Government of Nova Scotia understands the acute need for government infrastructure investment across the province's entire university sector, and this is a great start to addressing the infrastructure issues all our universities face."

Modernized and accessible campuses in both rural and urban settings are vital to helping the Government achieve its goals to enhance healthcare training and the attraction and retention of talent to drive population and economic growth.

For more information

Council of Nova Scotia University Presidents
Suite 403, 5657 Spring Garden Road
Halifax Nova Scotia
Canada B3J 3R4