September 20, 2024
Education News Canada

Kids & COVID-19: Canadian children are done with school from home, fear falling behind, and miss their friends

May 13, 2020

Canada's children have held a unique position in the COVID-19 outbreak. While kids are statistically the lowest risk population, they have also been especially vulnerable to the effects of the pandemic's resulting shutdown.

Kept home from school, trying to learn online, and worried about the financial and health risks to their parents, children have been anything but buffered from the realities of the last two months.

Are the kids alright?

A new study from the non-profit Angus Reid Institute canvassed children aged 10 to 17 across the country about their thoughts, expectations, and concerns about these unprecedented times.

The most common word they use to describe how they've been feeling recently is "bored", chosen by 71 per cent. Significant segments (41%) also say they feel "normal". Older kids are twice as likely as younger ones to say they feel "angry" compared to those aged 10 to 15, and half as likely to say they feel "good".

When it comes to online classes, most say they're keeping up (75%) but are largely unmotivated (60%) and disliking the arrangement (57%). It stands to reason then, that one of the biggest worries for Canada's young people includes missing out on school. Three-in-ten (29%) children identify this as their most major concern, a number that rises among teenagers 16 and 17 years of age. Another major fear: that parents or other family members may get sick. 

Read the rest of the story here:

For more information

Angus Reid Institute
1199 West Hastings St.
Vancouver British Columbia
Canada V6E 3T5

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