May 14, 2024
Education News Canada

Catholic Central High Benefits from the Generosity of Southland Trailer

September 16, 2022

When the air compressor being used in the Catholic Central High School West Campus' shop was deemed unsuitable for the work required in any of the current pre-engineering/welding classes, Southland Trailer stepped up with an amazing gift. The company refurbished, delivered, and installed a new air compressor - the parts and labour amounting to a donation of between $10,000-12,000. This more powerful unit will bring the shop to industry standard and provide students with far greater learning opportunities.

Ashton Ervin, Maintenance Manager with Southland Trailer, explains that the company is "highly invested in our youth. We know the value of encouraging kids to consider a future in the trades. There's a lot of industry in Alberta, in southern Alberta in particular, and we have an amazing education system here with Lethbridge College. So the students have the chance to go to school near home, have no post-secondary debt and gain some excellent skills towards their long term careers. "

Perhaps more than the donation, teacher Lance Rosen is excited about further plans to collaborate with Southland as an industry leader in the future. "The trajectory of students' lives can change because of their experience in school. This kind of work with our community and corporate partners exposes our students to different trade opportunities and experiences to truly see what's out there."

Plans are already in place to tour the fabrication facilities of two of Southland Trailer's plants to get a sense of the different skills and jobs required in their operation. "It's an exciting future," says Ervin when speaking about the value and connection of these relevant, real-world experiences for students.

"We are so grateful to Southland Trailer for this incredible donation and their willingness to work with our school and students," states Principal Joanne Polec. "Their involvement and expertise can only increase the breadth and depth of our trades program, improving future employment opportunities for our students and increasing the presence of skilled and essential labourers across the region."

For more information

Holy Spirit Catholic School Division
620 12B Street North
Lethbridge Alberta
Canada T1H 2L7

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