September 28, 2024
Education News Canada

The University of Sudbury moves forward: building on solid foundations

April 30, 2021

The Management team and the Board of Regents of the University of Sudbury are presently at work laying the foundation for offering French-language university education in the Near North. Many actions are being taken to move forward the creation of a university institution governed by, for and with Franco-Ontarians.

In order to implement the unanimous motion passed on March 11 to undertake the transition process, the Board of Regents of the University of Sudbury has brought together an ad hoc committee for the creation of the French-language university.

This ad hoc committee has since retained the services of PGF Consultants, a firm specializing in education and postsecondary governance, to develop and formalize a business plan. This plan will be an essential element of the proposal that the University of Sudbury will create and submit to the Ministry of Colleges and Universities of Ontario in order to transform itself into a university governed by, for and with Franco-Ontarians.

Also, the ad hoc committee for the French-language university has put together a working group that brings together community leaders known for their expertise and wisdom. The group held a first meeting in anticipation of developing the business plan. The University of Sudbury wishes to highlight the participation of Mr. Ronal Caza, lawyer and constitutional expert, who spearheaded the legal battle for Ottawa's Hôpital Montfort.

"The University of Sudbury wishes to express its gratitude to the members of the community, the franco-ontarian agencies, the students, the professors and the elected officials who have come forward to support the creation of the French-language university, especially the Coalition nord-ontarienne pour une université francophone, the Association canadienne-française de l'Ontario (ACFO) du grand Sudbury and the Assemblée de la francophonie de l'Ontario (AFO). The collective effort demonstrated during this time of transition is for the creation of a French-language university so that Franco-Ontarians may have access to a complete French-language education system from pre-school to university", asserts Pierre Riopel, Chair of the Board of Regents of the University of Sudbury.

In the words of Carol Jolin, President of AFO, "It is with much enthusiasm that the Assemblée de la francophonie de l'Ontario (AFO) welcomes the news. We are pleased that work is going forward with the University and the working group. Finalizing this business plan in the very near future is also an important step that will guide the institution as it calls on the governments during the next weeks. After the Université de l'Ontario français and the Université de Hearst, the transformation of the University of Sudbury in an institution governed by, for and with Francophones is the next essential step to ensure French-language postsecondary training in Ontario".

"We welcome the preparation of the business plan essential to the inception of a French-language university for the Near North. Also, it is our view that Queen's Park should set up an implementation commission to examine the structure of French-language university education in the North and make recommendations in line with programming for the French-language university of the Near-North", explains Denis Constantineau, spokesperson of the Coalition nord-ontarienne pour une université francophone.

Members of the Working Committee for U. of Sudbury:

  • Gisèle Chrétien, President of Collège Boréal from 1999 to 2006
  • Donald Dennie, Professor Emeritus of Sociology, Laurentian University
  • Denis Constantineau, Executive Director of Centre de santé communautaire du Grand Sudbury and spokesperson of the Coalition nord-ontarienne pour une université francophone (Coalition)
  • Edmond Paquette, Lawyer, and Vice-Chair of the Board of Regents of University of Sudbury
  • Joanne Gervais, Executive Director of ACFO du grand Sudbury and member of the Coalition
  • Kornel Zathureczky, Professor and Board member of U. of Sudbury
  • Mohammed El-Mendri, Student and Board member of U. of Sudbury
  • Pierre Riopel, Chair of Board of Regents of U. of Sudbury
  • Ronald Caza, Legal Counsel, Partner at Caza Saikaley

Resource persons:

  • André Claude, Legal Advisor, U. of Sudbury
  • Bryan Michaud, Political Analyst, AFO
  • Peter Hominuk, Executive Director, AFO
  • Charlotte Servant L'Heureux, Lawyer at Juristes Power

For more information

University of Sudbury
935, chemin du lac Ramsey Lake Road
Sudbury Ontario
Canada P3E2C6

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