Members of Polytechnique's computer engineering and software engineering student community came first at the 19th Computer Science Games, held recently in Montréal. This was Polytechnique's first victory in 10 years in this North American inter-university computer science competition.

The students who represented Polytechnique Montréal at the 2024 CS Games. (Photo: Olivier Ouimet/Voltaic)
Twenty Polytechnique undergraduates tackled challenges covering various aspects of computer science from March 15 to 17 at the annual CS Games at École de technologie supérieure (ETS). A total of 239 students in teams of 10 or 11 from 12 universities in Canada and the United States took part in the competition.
The two-team Polytechnique Montréal delegation came out on top overall, beating the teams from ETS and Université de Sherbrooke. This is our university's third victory in the CS Games competition since its creation in 2003, the first two being in 2012 and 2014.
The teams representing Polytechnique took first and second place in the Gaming event and first in the DevOps event. They came second in Modular Development, High-Performance Computing, Debugging and Art Forgery, and third in Team Software, Triathlon Development, Internet of Things and Extreme Programming (!).
At the closing gala, the group representing Polytechnique was presented with the competition trophy, which will be kept and displayed on our campus until the next CS Games.
"I am extremely proud of the members of both teams. I told them to have fun and give it their all without expecting too much, and that's exactly what they did," said Léa Desmars, a bachelor's student in software engineering and leader of the Polytechnique Montréal student delegation. "We finally brought the cup back to Polytechnique after a 10-year wait. Getting Poly this far is a memory I will treasure forever!"
The Polytechnique team members were:
- Thomas Boulard, Mathilde Brosseau, Gaëtan Florio, Xavier L'heureux, Charles Khoury, Marc-Antoine Manningham, Danick Michaud, Etienne Perron and François Tourigny, in computer engineering;
- Sunnee Chevalier, Kamel Daoudi, Léa Desmars, Maxime Gaudreau, Dominic Hains, Gabriel Mejia, Félix Noël, Zachary Ouellet, Raphael Salvas, Adrien Trahan and Thomas Trépanier, in software engineering.
Gaya Mehenni, a master's student in computer engineering, and Samuel Crosilla, a fall 2023 graduate in computer engineering, were the delegation's "godparents" for the competition.
Congratulations to our students!
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