September 16, 2024
Education News Canada

Boys' admission applications already exceed expectations

September 16, 2015

While school admission applications for secondary schools are only beginning, Villa Maria College has already received more than 65 applications by boys for the 2016 school year. Earlier this year, the College had announced that it would gradually accept Secondary 1 boys beginning in September 2016: a first for this private educational institution in its history of over 160 years.

"We are delighted to find that our decision to accept boys has generated interest from families in the Montreal Metropolitan Area. Admission applications by boys have exceeded our expectations. Doubling our initial objectives before even opening our doors is a promising sign for the next stage in the school's turn to the future. These results confirm that opting for co-education meets a real need," affirms Marie Anna Bacchi, Director General of Villa Maria.

Technologies to assist learning
In addition to co-education, Villa Maria College has decided to opt for a major technological shift, with the goals of adapting to changes in the world of education and thus respond better to the various ways its current and future students learn. In this context, Villa Maria will implement the Education 3.0 project, with the aim of favouring personalized learning in a stimulating environment. In addition to revealing each student's full potential, the different innovative pedagogical approaches deployed by this shift will lead students to think and learn by using digital tools while allowing them to become responsible digital citizens. 

Techno-pedagogical innovations: Concrete examples
A 'Class of the Future' prototype classroom is currently accessible for teachers and students and will be more widely implemented in the school over the next few years. The Class of the Future was conceived and created to provide students with a dynamic learning experience in a modern setting with cutting-edge technology. Students can travel, move and interact with technological devices present in the environment, which include tools such as wall-mounted touch screens and mobile modular furniture. 

With the iPad program, Villa Maria wanted to give its students the opportunity to further develop their use of this highly popular device. The students learn to access and manipulate these tools in class with their teachers, but also through the Technology and Digital Citizenship course.

The College opens its doors
Villa Maria invites parents and future students to come visit the school during Open House days. The French sector Open House will be held on Saturday, September 19 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. and on Tuesday, September 22, 2015 from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. The English sector Open House will be held on Saturday, September 26 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. and on Tuesday, September 29 from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. These days will provide the opportunity for everyone to meet students and teachers and appreciate the rich variety of services offered to students, but also to recognize Villa Maria's dedication to its new direction.

For more information

Collège Villa Maria
4245, boulevard Décarie
Montréal Québec
Canada H4A 3K4

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