January 10, 2025
Education News Canada

Virtual City Hall School launches on City's YouTube channel

May 7, 2020

Students and teachers who are no longer attending class in-person now have another option for learning from home: Virtual City Hall School.

In a new video series, City Hall School teacher Linda Hut and various student reporters interview City employees and politicians to bring some of City Hall School's in-person curriculum to life.

"Connection and community are really important during this time of isolation," Hut says. "Through Virtual City Hall School, we are able to build connections between students and the City, highlight some of the work City people are doing, and bring students hope, along with activities to explore based on the conversations."

Schools have been closed in Edmonton since March 16, and City Hall School, previously a one-week, in-person program, has not been able to provide its typical programming.

Virtual City Hall School can be found as a playlist on the City's YouTube channel. New content will be added daily.

For more information

City of Edmonton
1 Sir Winston Churchill Square
Edmonton Alberta
Canada T5J 2R7

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