June 2, 2024
Education News Canada

Budget 2024 Provides $3 Million to Increase Student Assistants in K-12 Education System

May 8, 2024

The Provincial Government is increasing the number of student assistants in the K-12 public education system and providing stability to the number of hours student assistants work each day. This increase in student supports is made possible through a $3 million investment announced as part of Budget 2024.

The investment will result in approximately 104 full-time equivalent student assistant positions being added to the K-12 public education system. In addition to new student assistant roles being injected into the system, the budget allocation also gives stability to student assistants by ensuring that all positions work a minimum of five hours per school day.

Student assistants play an important role in supporting student success in the classroom and on school buses. They work with and provide support to students with cognitive, physical and/or behavioral needs, and assist with the implementation of individual program plans for students which have been developed by the teacher in collaboration with the program planning team.

Providing a positive educational experience for students requires a variety of educators and staff in the school setting to ensure that student needs are met. This includes student assistants, classroom teachers, instructional resource teachers, teaching and learning assistants, and other roles that affect students' education.

The Provincial Government is committed to creating and fostering a positive and modern learning environment. Recent actions to support these efforts include the elimination of the 1.6 kilometre rule to access school bus services; commitment to new school infrastructure in Kenmount Terrace, Portugal Cove-St. Philip's, Cartwright, and Paradise; the elimination of public exams and development of a new assessment and evaluation framework for high school students; and dedicated recruitment and retention initiatives stemming from the recently held Teachers Think Tank and the ratification of the new collective agreement, which is further supported with allocated funding through Budget 2024.


"Student assistants are critical to supporting student needs on school buses and in the classroom. This allocation of $3 million will increase the number of student assistants available to provide meaningful supports to students, which will ultimately help individual students, others in the classroom, and teachers."

Honourable Krista Lynn Howell, Minister of Education

"Student Assistants play an integral role in schools across our province. They provide vital support, empathy, care, and compassion via their unwavering dedication to the children in our school system. The funding contained in this year's provincial budget for additional student assistants will go a long way to improving the experience and outcomes for everyone involved."

Jerry Earle, President, NAPE

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Government of Newfoundland and Labrador
Prince Phillip Drive
St. John's Newfoundland
Canada A1B 4J6

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