The Minister of Education, Culture and Employment Caitlin Cleveland announced that Joe Handley will be departing his role as Chairperson of the Aurora College Board of Governors. The process to fill the vacant board seat and appoint a new Chairperson will begin shortly.
Since his appointment in 2023, Mr. Handley has played a key role in strengthening Aurora College's governance and supporting its transformation into a polytechnic university. The GNWT thanks him for his service, leadership, and dedication to post-secondary education in the Northwest Territories.
The GNWT remains committed to strong, independent governance as Aurora College continues to evolve as an arm's-length institution. The Aurora College Mandate Agreement 2025-2028 provides a clear roadmap for the next phase of transformation, focusing on governance improvements, infrastructure development, and academic and research excellence.
"I want to sincerely thank Mr. Handley for his contributions to Aurora College during this important time. His leadership helped strengthen governance and guide the institution as it moves toward becoming a polytechnic university. The GNWT remains committed to ensuring strong leadership and positioning the College for long-term success in this next phase."
Caitlin Cleveland, Minister of Education, Culture and Employment
Quick Facts:
- A Public Service Announcement will soon be issued inviting Expressions of Interest for new Aurora College Board members.
- Once the process is complete, a new Chairperson will be appointed from among the members of the Board.
- The Aurora College Act establishes Aurora College as a public post-secondary institution and defines the roles of the Minister, Board of Governors, and President in its operation.
- The Aurora College Mandate Agreement 2025-2028 outlines priorities for transformation, including governance improvements, infrastructure development, academic and research excellence, and expanded partnerships.
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