July 3, 2024
Education News Canada

Cree School Board staff goes on strike

June 28, 2024

In light of the complete stagnation of negotiations for the renewal of the Cree School Board's collective agreements, the Association of Employees of Northern Quebec (AENQ-CSQ) and the North West Union of Professionals in School Milieu (SPPMSNO-CSQ) both have had a strike mandate in the past few days to be used at the appropriate time.

The majority of school staff, teachers, support personnel and professionals voted in favour of the strike, which could begin at any time in the fall if discussions at the Cree School Board negotiation tables do not resume at a satisfactory pace by then.

Radio silence

"The negotiations are a reflection of our labour relations: painful. Despite reaching out to the leaders of the Cree School Board to talk, so labour relations and negotiation discussions take a more positive turn for the parties, we were met with radio silence, not even an acknowledgement of receipt. The school board seems to ignore us and has no interest in concluding these never-ending negotiations," said Larry Imbeault, President of the AENQ-CSQ.

"Members are frustrated that negotiations with the Cree School Board are stalled, while southern school service centres have been settling for months. Attraction and retention issues are even more pressing in the north than in the south, and the Cree School Board's attitude of closure is incomprehensible. All Quebec students, in both the north and south, deserve the same services! " concludes Annie Chartier, President of SPPMSNO-CSQ.

For more information

Association des employés du Nord québécois


From the same organization :
1 Press releases