March 6, 2025
Education News Canada

Call for short oral and poster presentations for the colloquium La recherche collégiale, un moteur pour l'action

January 24, 2025

On May 5 and 6, 2025, the Association pour la recherche au collégial (ARC) and the Synchronex CCTT Network will be holding a colloquium as part of the 92nd Acfas Convention for which they hope to receive short oral and poster proposals on college research findings, regardless of the topic, no later than Monday, February 3, 2025. The sessions will be multidisciplinary. The title and theme of the colloquium is La recherche collégiale, un moteur pour l'action [College research: a driver for action].

During this session, ARC and the CCTT Network intend to highlight the results of projects that reflect the vitality of college research, both basic and applied, in the fields of natural sciences and engineering, social sciences and humanities, arts and literature, health, and even intersectoral research. They are therefore inviting the college research community, including students, to submit proposals. Researchers and students from all three research areas and from all disciplines are invited to submit a poster or short oral presentation. In 2025, the colloquium co-organizers are adopting a fresh strategy by launching a call for both poster proposals (unlimited number) and short oral presentations (maximum of five). The event's agenda includes two poster sessions: the first will take place on May 5, in the late afternoon, and the second on May 6, at lunchtime. Both will last 90 minutes. The short oral presentations are also scheduled for May 6. Each presentation will last five minutes, followed by an equally long discussion period with the attendees. Thanks to the two formats and three sessions, real opportunities await!

In their call for proposals, ARC and the CCTT Network provide information and useful references on how to write excellent proposals. Researchers and students whose poster proposal have been accepted by an Evaluation Committee will also have access to guidelines for producing their presentations. During their colloquium, ARC and the CCTT Network strive to rally all vital forces and to offer a space and a time for deliberation, in a spirit of true collegiality. "We're delighted to be working together to provide an unrivalled forum for college researchers at this key annual event," said Lynn Lapostolle and Michel Lesage, the Director General of ARC and the CCTT Network CEO, co-organizers of the colloquium. "The points of convergence between ARC and the CCTT Network are very real, and they can undoubtedly serve as levers for the development of college research," they added. Every effort has been made to ensure this colloquium is an exceptional showcase for college research, an unparalleled opportunity for exchanging ideas and a chance to extend one's network's reach.

For more information

Association pour la recherche au collégial (ARC)
255, rue Ontario Est, bureau A-7.67
Montréal Québec
Canada H2X 1X6

From the same organization :
4 Press releases
Réseau des CCTT - Synchronex
1405, boul. du Parc-Technologique
Québec Québec
Canada G1P 4P5

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1 Press releases