Chancellor School is home to 463 students in the Waverley West Community. Each day 130 students join Walking School Bus as part of their routine to and from school. Walking School Bus Chaperones lead and support three separate routes to ensure students have a safe passage to and from school.
We are proud of the sense of belonging that the Walking School Bus provides for many students and families in our community. Rain, shine, snow, wind, no matter the weather, you will find caring chaperones ready to greet students at their morning and afternoon muster points.
(MLA David Pankratz greets the group from Chancellor school)
Chaperones lead students to school each morning. The walk to school is a routine that grounds students for learning during the day. At the end of the day, chaperones collect students for the walk home. Students are excited to share the events of the day while walking with classmates and chaperones. The lively conversation and connection during these walks are an important part of social development, creating opportunities to foster friendships and connections.
Chancellor School administration is grateful for the commitment and care provided by our ten Walking School Bus Chaperones who are making a positive impact on student learning and engagement.
Special thanks to MLA David Pankratz for recognizing the great work that Chancellor's Walking School Bus Chaperones do each and every day, and for inviting us to be in the chamber when he read his Member's Statement.