October 15, 2024
Education News Canada

2024 York Catholic Students Continue to Lead the Province in EQAO and OSSLT results

October 15, 2024

York Catholic District School Board (YCDSB) students continue to outpace their provincial peers in all areas of academic testing, according to the latest results from the Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) and the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT).

"We are always looking for ways to provide a better school experience, but today is a time to celebrate our students and staff for their excellent academic achievement," said John De Faveri, YCDSB Interim Director of Education. "I want to particularly highlight the incredible work that is being done in mathematics, which we see in these results. Mathematical literacy is such an important life skill and we are happy to share a love of numbers with our students."

Below are the YCDSB and provincial averages for each area of testing.

The YCDSB's mathematics results improved on all three assessments from the previous year. Reading and writing remain strong areas of achievement at the YCDSB, especially in Grade 6 where 89 and 90 per cent of students respectively met or exceeded provincial standards, compared to 82 and 80 per cent provincially. 

"EQAO results are just one of the ways we see how York Catholic is leading the province in educational achievement," said Elizabeth Crowe, Chair of the Board of Trustees. "As a Catholic learning community, we want to see every child succeed and EQAO results help us measure our progress toward that noble goal." 


Grade 3, 6 and 9 EQAO results reflect the average of all in-person fully participating students who met or exceeded provincial expectations. They do not include students who provided no data due to absence, medical reasons, etc. 

In 2024, 97 per cent of YCDSB Grade 3 students and 98 per cent of YCDSB Grade 6 students participated in the EQAO assessments, 93 per cent of YCDSB Grade 9 students participated in the math assessment, and 97 per cent of eligible YCDSB students participated in the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test for the first time. Successful completion of the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test is one of 32 requirements students must meet to graduate and obtain a high school diploma.

Additional information about the 2024 EQAO and OSSLT results, including individual school results, are available on the Education Quality Accountability Office website, https://www.eqao.com/results/

Student results are higher than the province in all areas of testing

For more information

York Catholic District School Board
320 Bloomington Road West
Aurora Ontario
Canada L4G 0M1

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