March 11, 2025
Education News Canada

D73 Completion Rates Reach All-Time High

November 25, 2019

Completion rates for students in School District No. 73 have reached an all-time high in the district, according to BC Ministry of Education stats released this month.

The graduation rate measures the number of Grade 8 students who graduate within six years. The six-year rate for all SD73 students in the 2018-2019 school year is 88.3 per cent, and the rate for Aboriginal students is 84.1 per cent. This is an increase from 83.7 and 78.2 per cent, respectively.

"School District No. 73 has made successful school completion for all learners, and closing the completion rate gap between Aboriginal Learners and All Learners, a priority," said Alison Sidow, Superintendent. "I would like to thank staff for their efforts, which have resulted in this significant achievement in school completion rates and I share in their goals to continue this work to ensure that all students graduate."

The completion rate for BC resident students in the district (excluding international students who move out of the district before graduation) is even higher, at 92.5 per cent.

The District's commitment to this priority is reflected in four broad categories: personalized learning that provides flexibility and choice; a focus on inclusion and equity; structured support for struggling learners; and connecting learners to opportunities to complete after they have discontinued schooling.

For more information

School District No. 73 (Kamloops/Thompson)
1383 Ninth Ave
Kamloops British Columbia
Canada V2C 3X7

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